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Budgets presented by neighbors and midfielders on July 17, 1946

Attachments to letter No. 14 - Budgets presented by neighbors and midfielders on July 17, 1946

Relationship of the budgets presented by the neighbors and mediars of Jandía, represented by French Silvestre Hernández.

Presupuestos presentados por D. Faustino Arucas el 15 de julio de 1946

Attachments to letter No. 14 - Budgets presented by D. Faustino Arucas on July 15, 1946

The budgets presented by D. Faustino Arucas are related below:

Budgets presented by Mr. Juan Concepción Villalba on July 15, 1946

Attachments to letter No. 14 - Budgets presented by Mr. Juan Concepción Villalba on July 15, 1946

The budgets submitted and signed are related Mr. Juan Concepción Villalba on July 15, 1946, which can be seen in detail in the digitalized document.

Agreement with Rafael Matos Viera October 1, 1976

Agreement with Rafael Matos Viera October 1, 1976


Meeting in Morro Jable, Jandía, Fuerteventura Island,
this agreement is concluded today between:

DOÑA ISABEL ALTHAUS, Vda. de Winter, with address in Las Palmas
G.C. and Mr. Rafael Matos Viera, single, resident of Jandía. - - -
DOÑA ISABEL ALTHAUS acts in this act on her behalf and particularly,
as well as in her capacity as Administrator of the entity
DEHESA DE JANDIA, S.A. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ratificación y escritura del arrendamiento de Jandia el 6 de julio de 1946

Ratification and deed of the Jandia lease on July 6, 1946


Es una maliciosa falsedad pretender que la Dehesa de Jandia pertenezca á una compañía alemana que lo haya adquirido en 1931

PROPIETARIOS ANTERIORES; Conde de Santa Coloma (Don Enrique de Queralt y Fernández-Haquieira) y familiares.

ARRENDATARIO: Según documento público del 19 de Agosto de 1937 suscrito entra los herederos del Conde de Santa Coloma y Don Gustavo Winter, éste último arrendó la Dehesa de Jandia en la fecha mencionada.