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Gustav Winter left Germany in 1913 and emigrated to Argentina. He got to Spain in 1915, and, once there, he completed his studies and had several jobs in different areas. Between 1926 and 1929, he was the Managing Director of the CICER —Compañía Insular Colonial de Electricidad y Riegos— and led the construction of the headquarters of Alfonso XIII in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

The group of German people who started working in Jandía in 1939

The group of German people who started working in Jandía in 1939

The group of Germans that began working in Jandía in 1939 was formed by Mr Alberto Langenbacher, Mr Juan Langenbacher, Mr Ricardo Haebich, Mr Ramón Zadow, Mr Guillermo Schrauth, Mr Theodor Günther and Mr Rudolf Kalab.