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Letter from 1952 mentions notes from Maestro Victorino regarding the quality of cement.

Letter from 1952 mentions notes from Maestro Victorino regarding the quality of cement.

Several letters from 1952, one dated June 8, 1952, in which notes by Maestro Victorino on cement, bricks and beams are mentioned.

Letter nº138 in which reference was made to the Maestro D. Victorino Concepción Villalba in August 1949

Letter nº138 in which reference was made to the Maestro D. Victorino Concepción Villalba in August 1949

Letter nº138 from D. Arturo Kamphoff to Gustav Winter, dated August 24, 1949, in which reference is made to the Maestro D. Victorino Concepción Villalba.

Letter No. 19 from Guillermo Schrauth of February 24, 1947, about the repair of the truck

Letter No. 19 from Guillermo Schrauth of February 24, 1947, about the repair of the truck

Guillermo Schrauth's letter communicates that Mr. Brito, a mechanic who came from Gran Canaria for this purpose, is working on repairing the truck.

Letter No. 19
This has arrived in terrible condition, and its weight was verified (with packaging bags, it shows a total of 4089 (four thousand eighty-nine) gross kilos.

Letter nº 72 - Settlements-Payrolls - January 24, 1948

Letter nº 72 - Settlements-Payrolls - January 24, 1948

Letter No. 72
Per the rules you sent, we have prepared the various lists of points, bonuses and salaries respectively. A part has already been settled with the various interested parties who have come to Jandía to make their payments. In contrast, another amount is deposited in our box, available and for delivery to those who still have to receive something.

Letter No. 48 - Cofete Road - August 17, 1947

Letter No. 48 - Cofete Road - August 17, 1947

Letter No. 48
Fondos Jandía
After paying the last payroll to Maestro Villalba and also what was accrued from expenses on the road, I am left with a cash balance of Ptas 5,140.73 as of this date.