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Agreement with Rafael Matos Viera October 1, 1976

Agreement with Rafael Matos Viera October 1, 1976


Meeting in Morro Jable, Jandía, Fuerteventura Island,
this agreement is concluded today between:

DOÑA ISABEL ALTHAUS, Vda. de Winter, with address in Las Palmas
G.C. and Mr. Rafael Matos Viera, single, resident of Jandía. - - -
DOÑA ISABEL ALTHAUS acts in this act on her behalf and particularly,
as well as in her capacity as Administrator of the entity
DEHESA DE JANDIA, S.A. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ms. ISABEL ALTHAUS is the owner of the 9-hectare Cortijo and the
so-called Chalet de Cofete, the latter located within the Cortijo enclosure,
a property wholly walled with a dry earth wall, all located in the so-called
Vega de Cofete, in the area of Barlovento of the Jandia peninsula,
said Vega being in turn property of the entity DEHESA DE JANDIA, S.A.
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And in proof of full conformity, this agreement is signed by both
parties in Morro Jable on: October 1 thousand nine hundred seventy-six.
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THE OWNER:                                                        RAFAEL MATOS VIERA

Witness: (Tomas Perez)                                        Witness: (Lorenzo Cabrera)