On February 2, 2002, Mr. Luis Delgado Rodríguez, who worked as a teacher in Morro Jable for eight years, was encouraged to publish a letter in LA PROVINCIA - Diario de Las Palmas, based on his interviews with locals who lived there in those years.
Submarines in Jandia?
My name is Luis Delgado Rodríguez and from 1967 to 1975 I was assigned as a national teacher in Morro Jable (Jandia). Since my time as a student there were already rumors that the Germans had made a base for submarines in Jandia; It was said that the place chosen had been Cofete, where Don Gustavo Winter had a large house with wide walls. It was said that from the house there was a tunnel to the seashore, which is completely false.
During my stay in Morro Jable, I met and was friends with many characters who were an institution in the town, among them, Andres Hierro, known as El Rubio, I don't know why, because he was dark-skinned. A man, at that time, about 65 years old and who lived about 40 meters from the house that Don Gustavo had in the town. He asked El Rubio if during the European war, he had seen trucks moving from Don Gustavo's house to Cofete and he always answered no.
Also living near Don Gustavo was a brother of Rubio named Rafael, to whom he asked the same question, and got the same answer: submarines, nothing. Another important character of that time was Matias Marrero. He had a van and was a taxi driver, he was well known throughout the Jandia Peninsula for his frequent trips to the Faro and Gran Tarajal. Matias was very funny and when I asked him about the Cofete submarines he told me: "Cristiano, Don Luis, you are crazy, the submarines run aground there!"
The conclusion that I draw from all this is that Jandia, at that time, was an almost desert place, and when a German engineer (Don Gustavo Winter) appeared, the combination was formed for the legend of the submarines to emerge.