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Letter No. 167 - Joros Cofete highway budget - July 15, 1947

Letter No. 167 - Joros Cofete highway budget - July 15, 1947

Letter No. 167
REF.- JOROS-COFETE ROAD your letter no. 177 dated 6/22/47
The road profile presents a triangle 3 to 4 meters wide, having to dismantle on one side, sometimes up to 1.50 meters high and sometimes up to 1.25 meters, depending on the sections and the terrain formation.

Letter No. 14.- Ref. Various budgets. Jandía July 19, 1946

Letter No. 14.- Ref. Various budgets. Jandía July 19, 1946

Jandia July 19, 1946

Mr. Don Manuel Girona and Fernandez Maquieria
Parque Metropolitano
Calle de la Brisa 4

Letter No. 14 - Ref. Various Budgets

Letters numbers 3,4,6 and 11 - Requests for information on the situation and budgets, dated March 21 and 22, 1946

Letters numbers 3,4,6 and 11 - Requests for information on the situation and budgets, dated March 21 and 22, 1946

Letters 3, 4, 6 and 11 referring to information about the situation and the request for budgets dated March 21 and 22, 1946.

Carta 57 del 22 de mayo de 1947 avisando del envio de planos con indicaciones

Letter No. 57 of May 22, 1947 warning of the sending of plans with indications

Communicating the sending in Guanchinerfe of several letters from Madrid, a plan from the surveyor Mr. Antonio Falcón, 3,000 curved tiles, 100 bags of cement and 27 packages of sanitary ware and glassware for the chalet, which had arrived in Darro. In addition, at the end of page 3 the sending of 8 cardboards is mentioned, each with a plan attached to it, made by Gustavo Winter (May 1947) with instructions for Maestro Villalba:

To better specify the work, we have prepared several plans with comments to attach, as well as a copy of the 5 plans sent with the previous email.

Letter No. 14 in response to requests, dated July 19, 1946

Letter No. 14 in response to requests, dated July 19, 1946

Recibe la respuesta a las solicitudes realizadas en las cartas 3, 4, 6 y 11, en la carta 14 fechada el 19 de julio de 1946 firmada por D. Alberto y por D. Guillermo, adjuntando los presupuestos solicitados. En los márgenes de esta carta, recibida por Gustav Winter, pueden apreciarse varias anotaciones a mano de éste.