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Letters numbers 3,4,6 and 11 - Requests for information on the situation and budgets, dated March 21 and 22, 1946

Letters numbers 3,4,6 and 11 - Requests for information on the situation and budgets, dated March 21 and 22, 1946

Letters 3, 4, 6 and 11 referring to information about the situation and the request for budgets dated March 21 and 22, 1946.

Letter No. 11 - General situation
After 5 years of absence, I expect from you a report on the general situation of the property and neighborhood of Jandía.

Letter No. 3 - Reforestation Ref.
In the report that was prepared in November 1942 by Mr. Gise, folder 12 A contains a list containing all the species that existed in October 1942 and whose list we assume is also in his file.
Based on this list we expect a report on the current status, since on the one hand plants will have been lost, on the other hand new ones will have been produced based on their continuous repopulation work according to the expenses that appear in the cash books.
Now that 4 years have passed since then, we are very interested in knowing which of the trees are already producing flowers and fruit, such as almond trees and fruit trees, and to what height the different species of trees mentioned in the aforementioned list have developed.
Nurseries: Mr. Guenther had installed several nurseries in his time and we want to know their current status, as well as hear your proposals to continue and increase this work, ...
Vineyards: At the time, vines were planted in Esquinza and the project spoke in October 1941 - on the occasion of my last trip to this one - to plant vines for table grapes along the walls in the Cofete valley. Which have been the results?

Letter No. 4
Protection walls against livestock:
In 1943 the question of constructing long walls to protect forest areas against the invasion of livestock was pending. There were then offers from people from Jandla to build them at a fixed rate per meter. Some parts have still been built before the funds ran out.
Please send us a sketch of Jandía indicating the walls built and those that remained unbuilt and that are still necessary.

Letter No. 6 - Budgets needed
To resume previous work and to be able to formulate a total budget, we need new budgets, once indicating the previous costs in the parts already built, and a budget based on firm contracts, with small contractors from Jandía exclusively.
Tunnel: Please send us a sketch, indicating the section of the tunnel made and the total length, the expenses incurred in the construction of the finished part and the price at which the inhabitants of Jandía would be willing to continue and finish the work.
Highways and roads: Mr. Alberto already has good practice in this sector due to the extensive work done in his time. Need
It is especially interesting to take a road for a truck to Cofete.