Communicating the sending in Guanchinerfe of several letters from Madrid, a plan from the surveyor Mr. Antonio Falcón, 3,000 curved tiles, 100 bags of cement and 27 packages of sanitary ware and glassware for the chalet, which had arrived in Darro. In addition, at the end of page 3 the sending of 8 cardboards is mentioned, each with a plan attached to it, made by Gustavo Winter (May 1947) with instructions for Maestro Villalba:
To better specify the work, we have prepared several plans with comments to attach, as well as a copy of the 5 plans sent with the previous email.
So that Master Villalba has a complete collection of easy-to-use plans on the job, we ask him to have the plans pasted on a strong cardboard that does not bend, having the text referring to each plan attached to the back.
This way you will receive 8 cartons, that is:
I.- Cut 1 a and 1 b of the main body.
II.- Facade 1 c of the EAST wing from the atrium.
III.- Id façade of the WEST wing seen from the atrium.
IV.- Cuts 2 a and 2 b of the side buildings.
V.- Cut 2c- small dining room and attic.
VI.- 2d facade of the main building seen from the patio.
VII.- Facade 2e of the two wings, facing the orchard.
VIII.- Floor No. 3 of the patio ref. pool.
It is urgent that Master Villalba receive this collection of plans after having finished the construction of the roof and after having introduced some modifications, such as the elevation of the ceilings of the atriums, etc.
With this collection the master will have no doubts, possessing all the elements to finish the work. After 3 officers have been sent from Las Palmas, it is very urgent that the teacher have these plans.
Yours sincerely