Recibe la respuesta a las solicitudes realizadas en las cartas 3, 4, 6 y 11, en la carta 14 fechada el 19 de julio de 1946 firmada por D. Alberto y por D. Guillermo, adjuntando los presupuestos solicitados. En los márgenes de esta carta, recibida por Gustav Winter, pueden apreciarse varias anotaciones a mano de éste.
Letter No. 14 - Ref. various budgets
Due to our efforts regarding the party walls and residents of Jandía due to budget issues, we have those interested in the office daily asking us if anything concrete concerns the work.
We are interested in being told if we can tell people they can look for work elsewhere or wait for Jandía's affairs.
They have told us that if nothing is started soon, they will move to Las Palmas and Tenerife in search of jobs, and when they leave this island, they will not return until winter begins.